The Chakra System: Part 3 - The Solar Plexus
Let’s continue our Chakra series with the third chakra known as the Solar Plexus Chakra. It is located between the base of the sternum and the naval. The Solar Plexus Chakra’s mantra is: I WILL.
The solar plexus is tied to your personal power. It connects you to your purpose and your sense of self. It’s integral in developing integrity, leadership, sovereignty, strength, and confidence. Here we can view the cause and effect in our lives. This chakra teaches us the law of creation and attraction; meaning, we reap what we sow. This strong empowerment chakra helps you to open new doors and begin to manifest your true desires. Here we balance our power, control, and freedom. With things happening in or around us, we often feel things as a gut reaction first in our solar plexus.
The color associated with the Solar Plexus Chakra is a fresh clean and invigorating yellow. The frequency of this color aligns with happiness, joy, optimism, and inspired action. The vibration of yellow exudes strength, power, and confidence. This is the color of remembrance and allows you to tap into the past timelines.
The physicality of the solar plexus chakra is associated with your upper digestive tract which includes your stomach, gallbladder, liver, spleen, and small intestines. In addition, the solar plexus also influences portions of adrenal (cortex), kidneys, skin, diaphragm, and upper abdomen. Your pancreas, which releases hormones such as insulin and enzymes, is also strongly associated with the solar plexus chakra.
The solar plexus chakra’s role in the body is to maintain your personal power and create a sense of self with internal beliefs and external behaviors or patterns. This equates to self-discipline and self-esteem. As you discover and master your best self, your personal journey will have moments of needing to be in control of everything or moments of letting go. Sometimes you will feel motivated and sometimes you will feel disenchanted. Through different experiences you may be manipulated or be the manipulator. One minute you are an observer, and the next minute you are the judge believing your self-criticism or pride. Just as our digestive system metabolizes our food into fuel, it also digests beliefs and ideas we hold about ourselves, others, and the world we live in. As you select your nutrition for your body, you also make choices to feed your soul expansion. This is where we learn to be curious about our feelings and empower ourselves by walking with integrity, self-mastery, and optimism.
Someone with a balanced solar plexus chakra exudes healthy assertiveness and cooperation with others. They have a full range of balanced emotions and can sustain their energy level. They work well with people in all areas and can see the bigger picture. They meet their emotional needs which allows them to refine their behavior with others, specifically with communication and productivity. Balanced solar plexus chakras treat people the way they want to be treated. They follow the Golden Rule and tend to be happy, cheerful, optimistic and have a sunny disposition.
The most common issues in the solar plexus chakra are related to vital energy and digestion. Dis-ease and illness associated with this chakra include total energy burnout, irritating digestive disorders (stomach ulcers), eating disorders, diabetes, pancreatitis, low blood pressure, hepatitis and heartburn.
An overactive solar plexus chakra can be a signal that your ego or sense of self is in the driver’s seat. Pride, egotism, demanding, or domineering behavior show up with too much of the solar plexus. You may experience perfectionism, being overly critical, controlling, excessively stubborn, aggressive, or anger.
With an underactive solar plexus, you may experience anxiety in many different forms. That gut feeling that pops up is very much a felt sense. If it is not well managed, it can cause feelings of jealously, unhappiness, emotional fragility, or cowardice, just to name a few. These feeling can pull you out of the present moment and cause a downward spiral into low self-confidence, self-doubt, or victim mentality. If you are suffering from energy deficiencies, you may feel as if your well has run dry or your battery is irrevocably drained. An underactive solar plexus chakra leads to poor digestion and lack of self-discipline which negatively impacts your ability to create and manifest.
When you have a strong solar plexus chakra, you will generally feel you have claimed (or if appropriate, reclaimed) your essential power. Your self-mastery, which is defined as your ability to control yourself in all situations, is self-reliance. You consciously and confidently move forward to your personal goals. As we expand our personal power, we also cultivate a balance of our emotions and break outdated limiting beliefs. We begin to understand and cultivate partnerships and know when to step into leadership roles in a beautiful healthy way. A healthy mental focus and a strong digestive system lend to great physical health and mental well-being.
- Dawn Hamilton is a Reiki Master and Akashic Record Healer who provides healings and readings at Tribalance Wellness.